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About Us

Ghana Healthcare Volunteers of Georgia Inc. (GHVOG) was started on July 28, 2012, and we are a non-profit healthcare professional association committed to promoting health through education and outreach programs. We were founded to respond to the needs of many Ghanaians and other underserved communities who have difficulty accessing and obtaining basic healthcare, as well as basic health information. GHVOG was created out of the desire to reinforce and to promote preventive care in communities where it is desperately needed.


Our mission is to promote the general health of Ghanaians, and other underserved communities, through education and community health outreach programs. We ship medical/pharmaceutical products to rural clinics in Ghana, and organize Health Mission Trips to areas in need.


Our Vision is a community in which all people have access to basic healthcare information and resources.


1. To promote the general welfare of Ghanaians and other underserved communities by developing and implementing health outreach programs focusing on healthcare needs of Ghanaians and other underserved communities, and by actively participating in professional and cultural health projects in Ghana with other charitable organizations and corporate charitable foundations.

2. To liaise with the US health institutions, corporations, and other medical and pharmaceutical distribution companies to donate medical and pharmaceutical supplies to Ghanaian Clinics

3. To collaborate with Ghana Medical Association, the Pharmaceutical Society of Ghana, Ghana Nurses’ Association, and other healthcare associations in Ghana to provide specialized training for their members to help add quality to Ghanaian healthcare system.

Strategic Implementation

There are three distinct strategies needed to help implement GHVOG’s objectives:

1. Health Outreached Programs

• To organize health education and screening through local religious organizations, and underserved community centers in the US.

• To affiliate with the US universities and colleges, especially, historically Black Colleges, to help design community health educational programs and training

• To seek and mobilize all healthcare providers who have Ghana at heart and other bodies who support our cause and do/support charitable work in Africa

2. Shipping Medical Supplies and other Pharmaceutical products to Ghana:

• Liaise with the US medical/pharmaceutical suppliers and distribution entities, such as, Medshare, to ship supplies to clinics in Ghana.

• Collaborate with the US health institutions, and other corporations doing business in Ghana to help donate funds to ship supplies

3. Mission Trips

• A team of Medical Doctors, Pharmacists, Nurses, and other allied health professionals will partner with US health missionaries, corporate foundations, Medshare, and other pharmaceutical distribution entities to make health missionary trips to rural clinics and villages to offer first- hand health screenings and treatment of all kinds of illnesses.

• Our Medical Team will team up with the above charitable bodies to follow up on supplies shipped to the receiving clinics/hospitals and work with the local health personnel to see to its implementation. • Co-ordinate care, supplies use, and progress reports between donors and beneficiaries using our ability and opportunity of knowing both worlds.

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